Personal Board Of Directors (The team guiding me)

This may be one of the most beneficial Newsletters I've written

What we consume, influences us… Who we hang around, influences us.

Once I realised this, I changed a lot of things in my life...

I stopped listening to sad music, the news & negative people. I spent too much time buying into negative crap.

Think about it - Listen to "wake me up when september ends" by Green Day.

I loved/still love that song... but man my mood takes a dive when I listen to it.

I founded TMTCP in 2018 with the goal to build a personal board of advisors. A group of men who had success in.

  • Health (fit & healthy)

  • Relationships (love & fun)

  • Financial (financial security, nice things)

  • Lifestyle (travel & time freedom)

I believed if I could be around them I would learn what it took to thrive in those areas.

… but more importantly… they could share with me the challenges, the growth it required of them.

How they juggled family with career ambition, how they maintain energy, how they regulated thier emotions.

All things I was slowly becoming aware I needed help with.

When we start solving one problem, the solution brings a new problem - The infinite game

It lead to me creating a men's group.

Men - from all walks of life would come together. We'd discuss family, work challenges, hobbies, frustrations etc.

It was hugely valuable… but there were still things I was curious about that my current network weren't discussing.

I didn't have access to people discussing podcasting, online business, ultra running... specific things to me.

It's important to find people who have common interests.

They understand you on a whole different level.

In my mind I was limited by where I was living (BS) and I didn't provide enough value to be invited to hang around those guys.

For a while I sat on the sidelines until I recognised I wasn't taking ownership.

If I really wanting to learn to think, act and behave like the men I wanted to become.

I believe its a value game. If you aren't being invited to hang around the people you want to. Think about how you can add value to them and build on that skill.

I needed to have them on my team.

How could I do that when they didn't know I existed?

The internet has changed everything.

Podcasts & social media have opened a doorway for you to learning from people who are at the top of their field.

I could put my headphones in and be influenced by them.

My Personal Board of Directors doesn't know I exist…

Does that mean they can't influence me?

I can take their ideas, experiences & perspectives and use it to mould my life.

A big pain in my life for a long while has been MONEY.

I avoided talking about it, looking at it and managing it.

I never had any left over, regardless how much I was earning.

There were times I would earn $30k in a month and have nothing left a few months later.

It caused so much stress, it strained my relationships and impacted my mood.

I decided I wanted to take ownership of it.

I found a few people on youtube talking about money & started consuming their content… eventually I decided on the person I resonated most with and started doing what they said... (That was Dave Ramsay)

My relationship with money changed, it doesn't strain my relationship or impact my mood as much.

Over the years I have done this for all the problems I have faced.

Youtube and podcasts are a FREE library where you can learn from those who have what you want, you don't need to travel to them, it doesn't cost money & there is endless resources.

As I have built a great life, I understand the importance of still having a personal board of directors to guide me to continue growing into the man I want to become.

(If you don't know the man you want to become - Read my article)

A goal I recommend to my clients is building a Personal Board of Directors to help guide & influence.

If businesses have a board of directors - " to oversee and guide the organisation's strategic direction, ensuring its long-term success and sustainability"

It makes sense to have this for our life…

Here is how I build my board & if you read until the end I'll share my current board (I have updated on average every 3 years.)

This is the...

Personal Advisory Collective

1. Identify Key Areas:

  • Determine 3-5 areas of your life that need improvement.

2. Research Experts:

  • Find 3-5 experts in each identified area.

3. Consume Content:

  • Engage with 2 pieces of content from each expert.

4. Select Your Advisors:

  • Choose your favourite expert in each area.

5. Lock In Your Board:

  • Finalise your Personal Board of Advisors.

6. Learn Weekly:

  • Regularly learn from your selected advisors.

7. Implement 1 thing every week

  • Take one thing to implement and improve your life

8. Refresh as Needed:

  • Update your board when necessary to keep your learning relevant.

Now, some of you won't do this… that is ok.

You will most likely continue looking for the next thing to improve your life.

Giving away your personal power - not understanding that to build lifelong change you must become educated & influenced by the right people.

This is why the personal board is KEY.

For those of you who do this.

Please let me know how it positively impacts your life over the next 12 months.

This framework works for people you know & don't know.

I have a personal board of mates and clients that I can brainstorm with.

I also have the personal board of advisors who don't know me.

I currently have one for the important areas of my life. You don't need to.

You can start with one. I recommend 3-5.

What you will start to realise over time is how lessons around health, will start to help you with you finances… which in turn will help you with your relationship.

It's all connected.

You will grow like nothing else.

Looking back… this has been one of the best decisions I made. It removes all the contradicting opinions for the time being so you can implement what you are learning.

This allows you to build you own experience before looking for the next mentor to help educate you.

As promised here is my current board of Advisors.

I recently changed my board after 3 years. It evolves as my life & priorities change.

  1. Fitness - Layne Norton

  2. Health - Andrew Huberman

  3. Finances - Dave Ramsay

  4. Life - Scott Galloway

  5. Love - Matthew Hussey

  6. Longevity - Peter Attia​

I'd love to see your board once completed.

If you found value in this week's newsletter.

Make sure you send it to a friend that you know would get some value from it.

See you next Thursday


Lachlan Stuart

Ps. I am currently in training for a huge endurance event. Stay tuned as I share what I learn

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