How To Create A Better Life For Yourself

Are you sick of seeing people on the internet (like me) saying things like…

“Build a life you don’t need a break from”

“Live your dream life”

“Create a better life for yourself”

I know I was.

I remember seeing posts & thinking to myself “Piss off”.

It really got under my skin and I never really asked why.

If I were to answer that now it would be because I WANTED a better life, but I was just to stuck to make change…

  • I was drowning in bills

  • My relationships was barely surviving

  • I lacked confidence

I believe these things are important to living a great life.

I want to share how I changed this even when I wasn’t mentally in the best space to do so.

In 2014 a good buddy of mine invited me to a Network Marketing event (hold your judgement)… I had no idea what it was.

He said this could change your life.

  • Unlimited income

  • Great community of people

I wasn’t really interested but he didn’t hesitate to remind me how much I hated my life (it was no secret I was unhappy).

With that swift kick up the ass I decide I had nothing to lose.

Fast forward to the event… I remember a room full of people dancing and clapping and i thought to myself (WTF have I walked into).

As the day progressed I forgot about all the troubles in my life. I had a new found belief that I could build an awesome life. If these people could… I sure as hell could.

I eventually left that industry to found my own company The Man That Can Project.

It was the vehicle to create a better life for myself.

But how did I get there?

How did I go from a bloke who:

  • Hated life

  • Lacked confidence

  • Earned $22/hr

  • Toxic relationships

To a bloke who:

  • Loved his life

  • Filled with confidence

  • Earns more money than I dreamed of

  • Loving relationships

The process I am going to share is simple….

But the growth takes time. Only read on if you are committed to making your life better.

  1. Vision

  2. Goals

  3. Plan

  4. Perseverance

  5. Focus

  6. Vision:

This was overwhelming but once I got my head around it… it pulled me out of a rut. To me a vision is the idea of how I want my life to be. It got me to start thinking about who I needed to become, what I needed to learn & earn + who I needed to surround myself with. Initially I had a vision where I believed $1 millions would solve all my problems. So the vision lacked details but that’s ok… it gave me enough to start.

  1. Goals:

The specific things I wanted to achieve that would move me closer to creating my vision AKA the better life. This added more clarity to my life which allowed for more focused action. I learned how one goal would lead onto the next & if it didn’t why was I doing it? I was achieving more in 12 week sprints than I had in years. (this is why I built the 12 week game plan).

  1. Plan

This is what will guide me to the outcome… many call it the journey. The cool thing about a plan is it often looks different at the end than it did the start. Having a plan allows for focus, measurement & progress. Keep it simple.

  1. Persevere

This is simple one. Doing what needs to be done even when it scares you, gets boring or is challenging. What is going to make you preserve in the face of adversity. If you find yourself getting stuck here… you have set the wrong goal. Often there is a step you have skipped

  1. Focus

Where focus goes, energy flows. Don’t overcommit and overwhelm yourself. It is much easier to achieve a greta life than you think. Remove things from your life and focus. If you shut out many things in life for 6 months to learn and work on you… you would move past 80% of your competition.

You may be thinking how does this get me out of a rut or I can’t think that far ahead.

If that’s you… just start with a million dollars


Because of who you will become.

To earn $1 million dollars.

You will grow your:

  • Mindset

  • Network

  • Skillset

  • Communication

This is one of the best journeys I have embarked on.

It pulled me from rock bottom.

I am a new man living a great life.

I have seen this process help 100s of men and I believe it will be able to help you to.

Grab yourself a notepad and start going through this.

If you’d like more help check out the Life Design Blueprint

Thanks for reading.

Next week I will be covering WHY those with a fixed mindset subscribe to a stereotype.

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