Less is more when done better (Earn more, live more & work less)

We are constantly told that MORE IS BETTER.

More money = better

More friends = better

The problem is finding yourself spread too thin.

Chasing more money without boundaries leads to neglecting your family life and health.

Chasing more friends without boundaries takes away your value.

It's constantly looking outside of yourself that takes away your ability to look within.

Society has a lot of problems at the moment, and too many people are looking outside for help. Every time you look outside, you are adding more to your plate and missing your personal value... you give away your power You need to find more time, spend more money, and learn new things.

More - More - More

It's overwhelming and tiring.

If you are like me, you value having control over your time and income, aka time and financial freedom.

Over the years of building towards this, I have found myself extremely busy.

Whenever I encountered a problem, I would add more to my plate. My work days got longer, and I continued to sacrifice everything from family dinners to school reunions and time with friends.

I thought that was what I had to do to achieve my goals. It's what everyone was saying. Hustle now.

It's not sustainable. If you are married, have a career, and want to maintain your social connections, you need a different solution.

I started exploring what that could look like.

I want more freedom, money, adventure, health, and connection.

But I couldn't spread myself any thinner than I already had.

Then I recognised that the answer was staring me square in the face!

Your life's vision. (If you don't have one, please create one. I teach it in the Focus Success System. {join the waitlist})

Your vision is the way you get clear on what you want so you can prioritise what's important. "Less is more when done well."

To achieve your:

  • Financial goals: Only a few things bring the results.

  • Health goals: Only a few key things bring the results.

  • Marriage goals: Only a few key things bring the results.

It's the Pareto principle, the 80/20 rule.

80% of what you do delivers 20% of the results, which means 80% of your results come from 20% of things.

When you understand this, the goal is to establish what those 20% are for YOU.

It's a personal journey.

The Focus Success System, it is the program I am most proud of and the first time I have gone into full detail around my frameworks, but more importantly, the things I considered to establish them.

The reason I did this was that what works for me may not work for you. However, if you can understand my thinking and the goal I was trying to achieve, it helps you do the same and create your own frameworks.

Frameworks that will improve your life and allow you to earn more, live more, and be more.

The framework I have within this course is this:

  • Life Vision System

  • Entrepreneur System

  • Management System

  • Mindset System

I have never really gone into #2 as I wanted to stay in my lane as a men's performance coach. However, at the start of the year, I had to have an honest conversation with myself about how I got to where I am now.

The truth was I wouldn't be in this position had I not set out to work for myself and create time and financial freedom.

All the networking, mindset work, and goal setting would not have given me life freedom had I not decided to work for myself. It truly is the best way to achieve that. Because of that, I am going to talk about my journey in building a personal training business and an online business.

Each module is designed to help you find out what questions YOU need to answer and understand to improve your life. I share my frameworks and thinking with the intention to inspire you to do the same.

I am not going to help you build your business. I want to help you gain clarity around the ideal vehicle to help you create time and financial freedom without sacrificing family, health, and social connections.

It genuinely excites me to talk more about it because I love seeing people win. I love seeing people grow into the man they need to become to achieve their goals.

This is the perfect vehicle for achieving that.

If you don't have a vision, start here:

Develop Your Vision:

  1. List all the things you don’t want in life.

  2. List all the things you do want.

  3. Establish your core values.

  4. List the ones that align with your values.

  5. Expand on those in detail.

  6. Work backwards and set goals.

Once you have established that, it is easier to make decisions around the best vehicle to take ownership of your life in the age of the entrepreneur.

It doesn't stop there. Most people like the idea of business and freedom, but they never execute…


Because they don't have the right systems or habits to achieve that. This is the key step in developing your confidence in business and life. Your systems are your support network to achieve the desired outcome.

As you grow, you will need to develop the systems.

In the beginning, your system might just be to remind you to work on your business in pockets of time that you have.

I would do this by listing my key tasks, putting them on daily reminders (Apple Reminders), and scheduling a 30-minute block in my calendar (Apple Calendar) every day. Set it to repeat. Commit to that for 100 days.

Then you will be able to gain feedback around what works well for you.

It's no secret business moves in seasons. You have the summer (great times) and winter (hard times). With the right mindset, you can weather the storm and maintain consistent movement throughout the seasons.

The most important thing to remember is another season is just around the corner.

Building your mindset into a growth/entrepreneur mindset is key.

Here are five key points of an entrepreneurial mindset:

  1. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity.

  2. Continuously seek improvement.

  3. Stay adaptable and open to change.

  4. Focus on problem-solving and innovation.

  5. Maintain a proactive and persistent attitude.

From these points, it helped me lean into the "less is more when done better" approach.

Rather than always worrying about potential problems, in business, you focus on the problem at hand and create a positive ripple effect by solving it.

If you are feeling stuck in any area of your life, ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What is the simplest way to solve this?

  2. What is the one thing I need to focus on?

  3. What will prevent me from starting?

I did this with my 10km time trial earlier this year.

The simplest way for me to solve it was hiring a coach who did the program.

The one thing I needed to focus on was what the program said to do every day.

The one thing that would have prevented me from starting was not having access to a running track, so I jumped on Google and solved that problem.

Many problems in our life aren't as complex as we make them out to be. They seem complex because of the overwhelm in our minds.

Write things out, revise your focus, and take action. You will gain so much clarity.

Thanks for being here with me this week.



Personal Progress 27th June - 4th July 🤯

What Happened ✅:

  • Running: Ran my first 80km week

  • Workshop: 3 Spaces remain for workshop

  • Podcast: Interviewed NFL Long Snapper ​Matt Overton​

  • Focus Success System: Landed on a name for it (coming soon)

What's Coming Up 📅:

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